About us

Neakay’s Organic Skincare & Beauty Glo.

We’re all about Organic Skincare products, our products are %100 natural, Safe and effective for your skin. Neakay’ Organic Skincare & Beauty Glo is a leading online retailer offering the best Skincare products that can be access easily and efficiently. The aim is to provide suitable Skincare products for everybody at every stage of life.

Skincare has always been an obsession for me. My weight gain journey started 4 months ago on my returned from Africa. Growing up I was always a skinny kid in fact lots of people describe me as the skinny-girl. At the beginning of 2020 I decided to change my story around by looking after my skin and my weight-gain. It was a tough decision to make, as a family person a close friend of mine had to be part of the decision-making. When I share my idea about weight-gaining with a friend of mine he disagreed and was totally against the idea, but because I was determined to embark on this journey I had to persuade him, and of course the woman’s always come out the winner he agreed.
On Feb 12, 2020 my elderly sister and I made a holiday trip back to Ghana &
Nigeria. After we arrived, couples of days later I share my thoughts of weight
gaining and having a more clear, and a smoother fine-grained Skin texture with a friend of mine, who recommended me to a Skincare therapist.


After having a very fruitful discussion with the therapist he than advise me to take some weight gaining pills/ Vitamins Syrups,

the therapists also said that he’s gotten lots of positive feedback from his clients, so he recommended that this was a positive approach towards my goals of weight gaining. It was than I decided to buy some Weight-gaining pills /Victims Syrups along with the organic Skincare products base on the therapist recommendation. When I returned to Australia whilst in quarantine for 14 days self-isolation for COVID-19 as the government regulations required. I started my journey with the weight-gaining and skincare glow by taking the pills I brought,and also using the natural organic products that is the (lightinening-black soap).

Before the treatment I weighed 52 kg which was far less than what I wanted to be, but within 4 months I was able to gained 24 kg and now I am about 76 kg . Before this weight I wore 6-8 in clothing size but now I’m wearing 12- in jeans and dresses. I couldn’t be more excited with my results. I am so overwhelmed with my quick body transformation I feel extremely happy and confident.

There were many questions concerning my sudden transformation some people said it was at the results of me undergoing a cosmetic surgery. Well let me give you all my sincere answer no! I did not under-go a cosmetic surgery.Now let me recommend to you the product I used. Neaky’s Organic Skincare & Beauty Glo is the secret behind my transformation.

I made the decision to let everyone in by sharing my story and to empower other women out there that are in similar position that I once found myself in.

In-conclusion have decided to open my business which is focus on Natural Organic Skincare Beauty Glo Weight -gains Pills